

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mono print madness

Yearly, students take on a printmaking lesson. This fall the fifth graders tested their printmaking skills by creating monoprints. Monoprints are copies of marks printed once hence "mono". No two prints are alike. Fifth graders used fall leaves as their subject matter and created wrapped branches for a hanger.

Kindergarten Freight Trains

The kindergarten finished up a quick study in shape and color. We used Donald Crews' book Freight Train for inspiration. The book has great illustrations that won it a Caldecott Honor award. Check out the kindergartens take on Freight Train.

3rd grade Greek Vases

Third graders have created artwork based off Ancient Greek Pottery for their first art work of the year. We focused on the black figure style which features repetitive patterns and often tells a story of daily life in Ancient Greece or mythological scenes. The 3rd graders put their own twist on their artwork by illustrating a scene from their daily life.

Warm suns Cool oceans

First grade started off their art year with a warm and cool color practice. Warm colors are orange red and yellow. They are used for things like fire, the sun, or lava. Cool colors are blue green and purple. They can be used for water or snow. The first graders noticed how there are both primary and secondary colors in each group and that each group reminds us of the actual temperature of the subject they are drawing. To get a good feel of the new color groups the first graders created warm suns and cool ocean paintings

Welcome Back!

Scissors, glue, markers, and more- the art room is back in full swing! The kids have been working hard and have some great work to show for it!