

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Some Sites for your Summer Art Craving

Here is a list of some fun sites to check out when you need a quick art fix over your summer break.

Picasso Head is site I have suggested to students for awhile. If you haven't checked it out yet, now the time to create your own Picasso inspired piece.

Picasso Head

SFMOMA has a nice site where you become a detail detective of art masterpieces.

Detail Detective

The Art Institute of Chicago Curiousty Corner has a few fun activities to try. I like the mix and match famous portraits.

Curiosity Corner

In 3rd grade we created new mythical creatures, on BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF you can turn yourself into a creature!

Build Your Wild Self

Albright-Knox has some art games that are worth a try.

Art Games